Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Megaman / Rockman

My middle son joined the Marines about a year ago.  6 months ago, he left for boot camp.  He was given a shot but not told what it was for.  It was a "peanut butter shot" which supposedly wrecks a recruit's immune system.  His immune system became compromised, he became sick, then sicker until he had to be admitted to the hospital unit. A long battle back to health was started.  3 months after entering boot camp, he rejoined a platoon to continue his training.

Stress fractures, something he's never had even during his long soccer games as a young teen, began happening.   Landing in and out of the hospital unit, he never gave up on his dream of being a Marine.  Unfortunately, at the 6 month mark, the doctors became worried about possible permanent damage, due to the recurring fractures, and he was sent home.

Since he was little, his all-time favorite video game, movie and manga character has been Megaman.  I decided to make him one as a "welcome home" present to cheer him up.

The pattern was written in a very frustrating manner, so it took me twice as long as I had planned to finish it.

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